3.8 Initial assessment documentation
Summary: Initial Vocational Assessment Documentation
The International Labour Organization's Convention 159 outlines key elements for conducting an initial vocational assessment. This comprehensive assessment evaluates an individual's work readiness, skills, and circumstances to support their vocational rehabilitation. The main components include:
Interview with a Vocational Guidance Officer
A structured discussion to gather information about the individual's vocational goals and challenges.
Work Experience Review
Examination of previous employment history to assess skills and career trajectory.
Educational and Training Records Review
Analysis of scholastic achievements or training records relevant to vocational goals.
Medical Examination
A health evaluation focused on vocational implications to determine physical readiness for work.
Capacity and Aptitude Testing
Use of appropriate tests to measure the individual's capabilities, aptitudes, and suitability for specific roles. Psychological tests may be included as needed.
Personal and Family Circumstances
Assessment of social and familial factors that may influence vocational goals or rehabilitation success.
Work Experience and Trials
Practical work trials or simulations to identify abilities, develop skills, and gauge interest in specific roles.
Technical or Trade Testing
Verbal or practical assessments to evaluate proficiency in specific technical skills or trades, when applicable.
Physical Capacity Analysis
Assessment of physical capabilities in relation to job demands, including identifying ways to enhance physical capacity for work.
Employment and Training Information
Providing guidance about job and training opportunities that match the individual’s qualifications, preferences, and the needs of the labor market.