CVRP notes from Jen

CVRP notes from Jen

. PIPEDA (Personal Information Protection and Electronic Documents Act)

  • Protects personal information in commercial activities in Canada.

2. Safety in the Workplace (Occupational Health and Safety)

  • Governed by the Canada Labour Code.

3. Vocational Rehabilitation Specialist (VRS) Work Start Time

  • Begins the moment an injury or illness occurs.

4. Medical Definitions

  • Idiopathic: A sudden onset of disease with an unknown cause.

  • Maleficence: Intentional harm.

  • Non-maleficence: Avoiding harm.

  • Beneficence: Acting for the benefit of others.

5. Aptitudes (General Aptitude Test Battery - GATB)






General learning ability


Verbal ability


Numerical ability


Spatial perception


Form perception


Clerical perception


Motor coordination


Finger dexterity


Manual dexterity

  • Best Fit for Clerk Position: High in G, V, F, K aptitudes.

6. Spinal Injuries

  • L2 injury: Lower back injury.

  • C7 injury: Cervical spine injury; more severe than L2.

7. Conditions and Definitions

  • Cervical Spondylosis: Degeneration of spinal disks in the neck.

  • Bacterial Infection: Infection caused by bacteria.

  • Paraplegic: Paralysis of the lower body.

  • Quadriplegic: Paralysis of all four limbs.

8. Psychological Theories

  • Freud's Model:

    • Id: Primitive desires.

    • Ego: Reality-oriented mediator.

    • Superego: Moral conscience.

  • Erik Erikson: Emphasized early child-parent interaction.

    • 8 Stages of Development: Includes Trust vs. Mistrust, Industry vs. Inferiority, Generativity vs. Stagnation.

9. Diabetes Mellitus

  • Condition where the body does not properly use insulin.

10. Spine Functions

  • Cervical: Neck region.

  • Thoracic: Upper back.

  • Lumbar: Lower back.

  • Sacral: Pelvic region.

11. Data Analysis

  • Mean: Average.

  • Mode: Most frequent value.

  • Median: Middle value.

  • Standard Deviation: Measure of data variability.

  • Test Reliability: Consistency of test results.

12. Stress Types

  • Acute Stress: Short-term stress.

  • Chronic Stress: Long-term stress.

13. Psychological Defense Mechanisms

  • Sublimation: Channeling unacceptable desires into socially acceptable actions.

14. Legal and Ethical Considerations

  • Voting Rights Pre-Charter: Women and mentally disabled were excluded.

  • Undue Hardship: Occurs when accommodation causes excessive burden.

  • Client File Retention: 7 to 10 years post-closure.

15. Medical Assessments

  • Brain Damage Exam: Neuropsychological evaluation.

  • Psychological Functioning: Psychometric assessments.

  • Physiatrist: Specialist in physical medicine and rehabilitation.

16. Holland’s Career Model

  • Investigative, Enterprising, and Conventional characteristics fit investigative careers.

17. Medical Conditions

  • ALS (Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis): Permanent condition.

  • Guillain-Barre Syndrome: Body’s immune system attacks nerves.

  • Cystic Fibrosis: Careers involving air pollutants (e.g., airplane pilot) are not suitable.

  • Episodic Epilepsy: Seizures occurring at irregular intervals.

18. Substance Abuse

  • Alcohol Dependence: Diagnosed when a client is consistently intoxicated at work.

19. Communication Techniques

  • Active Listening: Paraphrasing what the speaker has said.

20. Statistical Terms

  • Coefficient: Numerical measure of a relationship.

  • Correlation: Relationship between two variables.

21. NOC and Career Counselling

  • NOC codes starting with 0 indicate management positions.

22. Assessment and Evaluation

  • Assessment: Data gathering.

  • Evaluation: Interpretation of assessment data.

  • Psych-vocational Evaluation: Measures psychological and vocational capabilities.

23. Transferable Skills Analysis

  • Identifies skills applicable across various jobs.

24. Post-Assessment Steps

  • Set a responsible career goal and plan actionable steps.

25. MMPI (Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory)

  • Assesses personality traits.

26. Strength Levels

  • Limited, Light, Medium, Heavy.

27. Job Coaching

  • On-the-job training and support.

28. GATB Requirements

  • Effective with Grade 9 education.

29. Barriers to Returning to Work

  • Fear of re-injury.

30. Cultural Sensitivity

  • Use interpreters when needed; respect cultural norms.

31. Vision Requirements

  • Legal blindness defined by vision standards.

32. Ethical Behavior

  • Factors leading to unethical behavior.

33. Disability Models

  • Frameworks for understanding disability.

Sample Multiple Choice Exam

1. What does PIPEDA protect?

A) Employee rights
B) Personal information in commercial activities
C) Occupational health and safety
D) Voting rights

Answer: B

2. When does the work of a Vocational Rehabilitation Specialist begin?

A) After a client files a report
B) At the first assessment
C) The moment an injury or illness occurs
D) Upon job placement

Answer: C

3. What is the definition of maleficence?

A) Acting for the benefit of others
B) Avoiding harm
C) Intentional harm
D) Providing comfort

Answer: C

4. Which spinal injury is more severe?

A) L2
B) C7
C) S1
D) T4

Answer: B

5. What is sublimation?

A) Suppressing thoughts
B) Redirecting desires into socially acceptable actions
C) Acting impulsively
D) Ignoring feelings

Answer: B

Answer Key Explanation

  1. B: PIPEDA focuses on protecting personal information in the private sector.

  2. C: VRS work starts immediately after an injury or illness.

  3. C: Maleficence refers to causing harm.

  4. B: C7 injuries affect the cervical spine, making them more severe than L2.

  5. B: Sublimation channels inappropriate desires into positive actions.


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