B. Gender, Disability, Sexual Orientation and Aging

B. Gender, Disability, Sexual Orientation and Aging

Summary: Gender, Disability, Sexual Orientation, and Aging

5.3 Gender and Employment

  • Historical Context: VR programs initially catered to men, particularly returning war veterans. Women often face barriers like traditional career roles, limited mentors, and psychosocial challenges (e.g., balancing family and work, double discrimination, identity loss).

  • Men’s Challenges: Loss of physical functioning may challenge their sense of masculinity, identity, and societal roles as providers.

  • Key Considerations: VR professionals must evaluate personal biases, attitudes, and stereotypes to ensure gender-sensitive services.

5.4 Disability and Employment

  • Key Disability Factors:

    • Time and type of onset, severity, prognosis, stigma, visibility, and necessary treatment.

    • Sociocultural issues, such as stigmatization and internalized stereotypes.

  • Impact: Disability responses vary, influenced by individual experiences and sociocultural contexts.

5.5 Sexual Orientation and Employment

  • Challenges: LGBTQQIA individuals face stereotypes, societal oppression, and mental health challenges (e.g., higher rates of anxiety, depression, and adolescent suicide).

  • Considerations for VR Professionals:

    • Understand heterosexism, sexual orientation/identity development, and the coming out process.

    • Address the unique experiences of LGBTQQIA individuals, including ethnic, cultural, and aging issues.

    • Be knowledgeable about affirmative therapy resources.

5.6 Aging and Employment

  • Challenges for Older Adults:

    • Increased likelihood of disability, health-related issues, and life transitions (e.g., loss of independence, diminished functioning).

    • High rates of depression, dementia, and psychological issues tied to chronic illness.

  • Societal Bias: Ageism perpetuates stereotypes of older adults as frail, asexual, and burdensome.

  • Role of VR Professionals:

    • Avoid age-based prejudices.

    • Focus on older adults’ interests and abilities rather than age-related stereotypes.

Quiz: Test Your Knowledge

Multiple Choice Questions

  1. Why were early VR programs originally designed for men?
    a. Men were seen as more adaptable to rehabilitation.
    b. They were created for returning war veterans.
    c. Women were excluded from the workforce at the time.
    d. Disability was considered a masculine issue.

  2. Which psychosocial implication is common for women with disabilities?
    a. Women often define themselves through their vocation.
    b. Women may feel emasculated by their disabilities.
    c. Women may question their ability to balance career and family.
    d. Women frequently suppress feelings of sadness and grief.

  3. What is a key factor influencing the response to disability?
    a. Socioeconomic status
    b. Visibility of the disability
    c. Gender roles
    d. Marital status

  4. Which group faces higher rates of adolescent suicide?
    a. Older adults
    b. LGBTQQIA individuals
    c. Women with disabilities
    d. Men with spinal cord injuries

  5. What is a common societal stereotype about older adults?
    a. They are overly independent.
    b. They are resilient and active contributors.
    c. They are senile and burdensome.
    d. They are ideal employees for modern jobs.

True or False

  1. Men coping with disabilities often struggle with feelings of emasculation.

  2. LGBTQQIA individuals with disabilities experience fewer instances of discrimination than their heterosexual counterparts.

  3. The onset of a disability has no bearing on the individual’s response to it.

  4. Older adults face unique challenges, including ageism and societal stereotypes.

  5. VR professionals must examine personal biases to provide effective rehabilitation services.

Answer Key

Multiple Choice

  1. b. They were created for returning war veterans.

  2. c. Women may question their ability to balance career and family.

  3. b. Visibility of the disability

  4. b. LGBTQQIA individuals

  5. c. They are senile and burdensome.

True or False

  1. True

  2. False (They face higher rates of discrimination and marginalization.)

  3. False (The time and type of onset significantly influence responses.)

  4. True

10. True

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